Newmark Little League, Inc. is an active Californian business entity incorporated 15th February 1963. Josh Peterson acts as the agent for this non-profit.

Non-Profit Data

Non-Profit NameNewmark Little League, Inc.
Non-Profit AgentJosh Peterson
Non-Profit StatusActive
Entity Number446134
Entity TypeNonprofit Corporation - CA - Public Benefit
Incorporation Date15 February 1963 (61 years, 3 months ago)

Principal & Mailing Address

Address3900 Severence Ave.
San Bernardino
San Bernardino, CA 92405


Agent DetailsJosh Peterson
6361 N. Redwood St.
San Bernardino, CA 92407


23 November 2021System Amendment - Pending Suspension LBA2342316
27 October 2021System Amendment - Penalty Certification - SI LBA2342315
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentSOS Certification
27 July 2021System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342314
18 January 2019Statement of Information LBA2342318
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentLegacy number: G332080
7 November 2016System Amendment - SOS Revivor LBA2342313
4 November 2016Legacy Amendment LBA2342312
3 November 2016Statement of Information LBA2342317
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentLegacy number: FG87619
25 August 2016System Amendment - SOS Suspended LBA2342311
24 December 2015System Amendment - Pending Suspension LBA2342310
13 October 2015System Amendment - Penalty Certification - SI LBA2342309
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentSOS Certification
13 May 2015System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342308
14 August 2013System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342307
28 July 2011System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342306
22 June 2011System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342305
3 December 2008System Amendment - SOS Revivor LBA2342304
2 December 2008Legacy Amendment LBA2342303
25 September 2008System Amendment - SOS Suspended LBA2342302
24 April 2008System Amendment - Pending Suspension LBA2342301
9 August 2007System Amendment - Penalty Certification - SI LBA2342300
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentSOS Certification
26 April 2007System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342299
15 September 2005System Amendment - Penalty Certification - SI LBA2342298
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentSOS Certification
15 September 2005System Amendment - Pending Suspension LBA2342297
19 May 2005System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342296
17 November 2000System Amendment - Penalty Certification - SI LBA2342295
Field NameChanged FromChanged To
Legacy CommentSOS Certification
13 July 2000System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342294
7 July 1997System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342293
9 July 1996System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342292
2 July 1993System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342291
19 October 1990System Amendment - FTB Revivor LBA2342290
1 February 1990System Amendment - FTB Suspended LBA2342289
17 April 1989System Amendment - FTB Restore LBA2342288
3 April 1989System Amendment - FTB Suspended LBA2342287
5 April 1983System Amendment - SI Delinquency for the year of 0 LBA2342286
23 February 1976System Amendment - FTB Revivor LBA2342285
1 December 1975System Amendment - FTB Suspended LBA2342284
14 March 1974System Amendment - FTB Revivor LBA2342283
3 April 1972System Amendment - FTB Suspended LBA2342282
15 February 1963Initial Filing 0446134

This page was last updated December 2023.